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Plato's Cave of Allegory

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Plato's Cave of Allegory

It is my recommendation everyone take the time to look this up online and read it. A person is chained up in a cave with no windows; only the flicker of light from a candle. This person has only tunnel vision, no company, no love, only what they know on their own.

Society today is much like that. You see so many with different opportunities, but they choose to lead a life with tunnel vision. They see only what they want to. Expand their horizons? No..that freedom would be too frightful. If people believe leading a life of hatred, discontent, and misery is the way of life - that's the only way they know - so they continue on in that capacity. On the opposite end of the spectrum, those who help others, love people and love themselves continue on in that manner. The positive people simply unlocked the shackles and chains in the cave, opened the door, and weren't afraid to see the wide world out there.

This story was one of the best I have read and I chose to lead my life outside that cave. For more people to do the same, I recommend they read this piece of work, see where they are at in life.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`This story was taught to me in undergraduate school. I loved it then, and I still see value in it now. At that time, my professor and I would talk about how one could not re-enter the cave. In dating, it seems like I'm often being asked to re-enter the cave--date those who seem to tap in with a lower level of consciousness. Here's to all of us who choose to stay out here in the sunlight and try to understand reality instead of watching shadows!

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